- Ages: 2-11
- Location: 1710 University Ave, Berkeley
- Dates: Dec 23 - Jan 3
- $500 Per Week
- Sign up for 2 Weeks $900 (save $100)
Schedule Monday-*Friday 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM (*Friday's pickup is 2 PM)
Extra Care 8:00-9:000AM and 3:00-5:00pm
Lunch Lunches are included in winter camp's registration.
Refund policy for Cancellations:
One Month Before Camp: Full refund.
Within a month of the start of camp: Refund minus $100 per week
7 days Before Camp: $250 cancellation fee.
Financial Assistance
As always Camp Gan Israel is commited to ensuring every Jewish child can have a fun Jewish camp experience. Please reach out to us before by Dec 1 if you can not afford the full cost of camp and we will help you with the registration costs.